Provider Information

Matt Schönfeld
London, United Kingdom



This website reflects the personal opinion of Matthias Schönfeld. It serves as a portfolio and a place to allow everybody to follow my various endeavors.

I don't collect any personal information on this website myself but I do use analytics services which use cookies to track visitors and allow me to see how they use this website. As these services are based in the U.S. they may process data outside the EU but operate under the Privacy Shield framework.

If you do not want to allow cookies you can set your browser to block cookies for this domain. This may interfere with some of the functionality of this webitse.



This website is hosted on Squarespace and as such uses their analytics service and cookies to track basic information about visitors. You can find out detailed information about the individual cookies and their use here (note that this website doesn't use any e-commerce features and hence doesn't use the related cookies).

This website also uses the Google Analytics to analyze website usage. You can find out detailed information about the individual cookies and their use here. I have not enabled any ad-related features.

Google Analytics